Thank you for your leadership Brooklyn and for showing pride in our middle school. Also, thank you to Aubree Noble, Moriah Hastings, Alpine Hickstein, JashwaAlan Cummings, Cody Madsen, Jensen Lambert, Jake Lemmon, Cassie Boggs, Pamela Fisher, and Lance Cattin for taking pride in your school and volunteering your time to make your school a better place. Thank you to Keep Chadron Beautiful for providing supplies and equipment for the litter pick up.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Student Leadership and Service In Action!
Thank you for your leadership Brooklyn and for showing pride in our middle school. Also, thank you to Aubree Noble, Moriah Hastings, Alpine Hickstein, JashwaAlan Cummings, Cody Madsen, Jensen Lambert, Jake Lemmon, Cassie Boggs, Pamela Fisher, and Lance Cattin for taking pride in your school and volunteering your time to make your school a better place. Thank you to Keep Chadron Beautiful for providing supplies and equipment for the litter pick up.
1st Qtr. No Offense Pizza Party
1st Qtr. No Offense Pizza Party, a set on Flickr.
Chadron Middle School students that did not receive any offenses during the first quarter were treated to a pizza party last week during lunch as a thank you for their excellent behavior! There were 143 students that did not receive any offenses including 1st period and lunch period tardies!
Noon Dismissal on November 2nd, 2011

Dear Parents/Guardians:
On Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011 we will dismiss school
at 12:00pm due to the home high school football playoff game against Norfolk
Catholic. The game will begin at 1:30pm. Chadron Middle School students will attend
all of their classes on that day, but classes will be 24-minutes long instead
of the usual 46-minutes. Students will
only have 24-minutes for lunch on that day, so if your student usually goes
home for lunch, you may want to consider having your student eat at school because
there may not be enough time for your student to walk home, eat, and be back in
time for their next class.
Below is the class schedule for November 2nd. We
will still run a 1:30 dismissal on Friday, November 4th. If
you have any questions, please let me know.
Nick Dressel
Chadron Middle School, Principal
(308) 430-2809
On Twitter @NickDressel
November 2nd
24 Minute Class
Period 1 - 8:00 – 8:24
Period 2 - 8:27 – 8:51
Period 3 - 8:54 – 9:18
Period 4 - 9:21 – 9:45
Period 7 -9:48 – 10:12
Period 8 - 10:15 –
Period 5 - 10:42 – 11:06 - 7th/8th Lunch
Period 6 - 11:09 –
11:33 - 5th/6th Lunch
Period 9 - 11:36 – 12:00
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Changes and Additions to Upcoming Events
There are a couple of changes and additions to the events schedule that was posted a couple of weeks ago:
Changes in Wrestling Schedule
Changes in Wrestling Schedule
- November 3rd @ Gordon Rushville - New Start Time is at 1:00
- November 15th @ Crawford has been cancelled
- November 1st - 7th grade sciences classes will take a field trip to the waste water treatment facility during their respective class periods.
- November 1st - 6th-12th grade choir concert at 7pm in the HS Auditorium
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
CMS Upcoming Events/Activities
Up Coming Events/Activities:
14th – End of 1st Quarter
14th – End of 1st Quarter Awards Assembly 1:15 in MS Gym
14th – 1:30 Dismissal
October 24th and 25th
– 1:30 Dismissal for Primary and Intermediate School Students Only
28th – NO SCHOOL
4th – 1:30 Dismissal
11th – Veteran’s Day Program 10:15 HS Auditorium
18th – 1:30 Dismissal
23rd – November 25th – Thanksgiving Break
Athletics (Bus departure times
will be posted on my blog page when they become available):
15th – 7th grade FB v. Gordon Rushville 9am
15th – 8th grade FB v. Gordon Rushville 10:30am
17th – Wrestling interest meeting at 3:30pm in MS Gym
25th – Girls’ Basketball interest meeting after school in MS Gym
3rd – Wrestling @ Gordon Invite 3:00pm - Bus leaves at 11:45pm
10th – 7th grade Girls’ BB @ Alliance 4:00pm - Bus leaves at 2:15pm
10th – 8th grade Girls’ BB v. Alliance 4:00pm
5th – Wrestling @ Scottsbluff 10:00am - Bus leaves at 6:30am
12th – Wrestling Chadron MS Tournament 9:00am
15th – Wrestling @ Crawford Triangular 5:30pm - Bus leaves at 4:30pm
17th – 7th grade Girls’ BB @ Scottsbluff 4:00pm - Bus leaves at 1:15pm
17th – 8th grade Girls’ BB v. Scottsbluff 4:00pm
19th – Wrestling @ Alliance Invite 8:00am - Bus leaves at 6:30am
November 19th - 7th and 8th grade Girls' BB @ Valentine 11:00am- Bus leaves at 6:30am
November 19th - 7th and 8th grade Girls' BB @ Valentine 11:00am- Bus leaves at 6:30am
21st – 7th grade Girls’ BB @ Gordon-Rushville 4:30pm - Bus leave at 3pm
21st – 8th grade Girls’ BB v. Gordon-Rushville 4:30pm
21st – Wrestling @ Bridgeport Invite 12:00pm - Bus leaves at 9:45am
29th – 7th grade Girls’ BB v. Hot Springs 4:30pm
29th – 8th grade Girls’ BB v. Hot Springs 6:00pm
October Good News From School
Good News
From CMS
The end
of the 1st quarter is on October 14th – I can’t believe
how fast the time has passed! We will
have our end of the quarter awards assembly at 1:15 on Friday, October 14th
in the CMS gym. Some of the awards that
students will receive include:
- The Cardinal Effort Award, which is given to two students in each grade that have really put forth their best effort in their classes over the course of the quarter. This award is special because the students’ teachers select the award winners.
- Perfect Attendance Awards, which are given to students that have not been tardy to class or missed a single day of school over the course of the quarter.
- The Cardinal Citizenship Award, which is given to students that did not receive a single offense over the course of the entire quarter. This award includes a special lunch with principal!
week, students that did not receive Friday School for missing assignments
during the month of September were awarded a “No Homework” ticket. This ticket can be used in any class to
“skip” one homework assignment. The only
catch is that the ticket must be used by the end of October and it cannot be
used on major assignments or projects.
learning is alive and well at CMS! Students
in the CMS After-School Program took part in campus beautification projects
that included painting outdoor trash barrels and oiling and priming the CMS
Cardinal on the corner of 6th and Ann Street before Ms. Mohr
painted it. Thank you the CMS
After-School staff, all of the students that participated and to Ms. Mohr and
Susan Hucke from Keep Chadron Beautiful for their contributions to these
projects! You can see the article and
pictures on the school’s website (
or at my Blog page (
to all of our student athletes on a great fall sports season! I am very proud of the way that our student
athletes represented our school and community.
Also, thank you to all of the parents for the outstanding support that
you gave your student athletes and our fall athletic programs!
November 11th, at 10:15am, Mrs. Kaus’ 4th period 8th
grade Social Studies class will host the 3rd annual Veteran’s Day
program at the HS Auditorium. The
program will include music, guest speakers, and ceremony designed to honor our
Nation’s veterans. The entire community
is invited to attend the program and we hope to see you there.
always, thank you for supporting your student and the programs at CMS.
Middle School, Principal
Twitter @NickDressel
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Think Different
This YouTube clip is a slightly altered version of Apple's Think Different ad that premiered in 1997. As I watched this clip, I could not help but think of how relevant its message is today given the turbulent, yet exciting times in which we live.
I truly believe that it is through education that we can live this message! But we have to be willing to embrace technology, embrace change, and take risks. Malcolm Forbes said, "Failure is success if we learn from it" and I believe that we can't allow the fear of failure to prevent us from trying new things. So I challenge all teachers and students to be BOLD, take RISKS, and CHANGE the world to make it a better place.
CMS After-School Program Takes Part in Service Learning
Service-Learning is a method of teaching and learning that enriches an individuals life by engaging in meaningful hands on service to others or the community.
CMS students and after-school staff painted outdoor trash barrels Cardinal red and black for Chadron Public Schools. Several students and staff oiled and primed the CMS Cardinal on 6th and Ann Street in preparation for painting by retired high school art teacher, Jeanine Mohr. The students and staff enjoyed the hands on experience to enhance their school appearance. Thank you to Susan Hucke, Keep Chadron Beautiful, the Chadron Public Schools maintenance team, and Jeanine Mohr for their assistance in completing the two projects.
Students paint trashcans during the CMS After-School Program |
Monday, October 3, 2011
What are MAPS Tests & Why Do Students Take Them?
Today, students all over the state of Nebraska will begin taking the Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) tests. These tests are written to the Nebraska standards and measure competency on the standards in Reading, Language Arts, Math, and Science. Students at Chadron Middle School will be taking these tests on different days for the better part of the month of October, and the results of these tests will provide us with baseline data that will help us identify areas of deficiency in each of the testing strands.
An entire month of testing can become tiresome for students and teachers. However, the data that we collect this fall really does help us identify areas that we need to focus on to ensure that our students are strong in all of the standards strands. We also share the data with the students so that they know their areas of strength and the areas where they need to improve. Having this knowledge helps students become more self-aware and with this knowledge we help students set personal growth goals for the spring tests that they will take in March.
So, as we move through the month of October and you have conversations with your students about school, please talk to them about testing. Make sure that they are getting enough rest at night, that they are eating breakfast in the morning, and encourage them to do their best on all of the tests. It is important to remind them that everyone has areas of strength and areas where we need to improve and that these tests are not the end-all be-all of their academic career. It is one test that is give on one day and if they don't perform as well as they would have liked, encourage them to study hard and to give their best effort again in March.
As always, I sincerely thank you for the many ways that you support your student(s) and the school. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Nick Dressel
Chadron Middle School, Principal
An entire month of testing can become tiresome for students and teachers. However, the data that we collect this fall really does help us identify areas that we need to focus on to ensure that our students are strong in all of the standards strands. We also share the data with the students so that they know their areas of strength and the areas where they need to improve. Having this knowledge helps students become more self-aware and with this knowledge we help students set personal growth goals for the spring tests that they will take in March.
So, as we move through the month of October and you have conversations with your students about school, please talk to them about testing. Make sure that they are getting enough rest at night, that they are eating breakfast in the morning, and encourage them to do their best on all of the tests. It is important to remind them that everyone has areas of strength and areas where we need to improve and that these tests are not the end-all be-all of their academic career. It is one test that is give on one day and if they don't perform as well as they would have liked, encourage them to study hard and to give their best effort again in March.
As always, I sincerely thank you for the many ways that you support your student(s) and the school. If you have any questions, please let me know.
Thank you,
Nick Dressel
Chadron Middle School, Principal
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