(The following is submitted by CPS Curriculum Director, Maribeth Moore)
The 2011-12 school year marked the third year
of NeSA (Nebraska State Accountability) tests.
In April of 2012, students in grades 3-8 and 11 across the state took
the NeSA-Reading test (NeSA-R), NeSA-Math test (NeSA-M), and NeSA-Science test
(NeSA-S). The Nebraska State Board of
Education set high expectations for mastery levels on these tests to ensure an
emphasis on growth.
- Seventy-four percent of students
statewide met or exceeded standards in Reading.
- At the district level (7 grades) in Reading seventy-seven percent
of students met or exceeded standards.
- Sixty-seven percent of students
statewide met or exceeded math standards.
- At the district level in Math eighty-two percent of students in
Chadron met or exceeded standards.
- Sixty-seven percent of students
statewide met or exceeded standards in Science.
- At the district level (3 grades) in Science seventy-seven percent
of students met or exceeded standards.
Percentages vary somewhat from grade level to
grade level for both district and state results.
Our district has another reason to celebrate
our students and staff! Chadron Schools are extremely proud of our
accomplishments (given changes to Rural,
Elementary and Middle Schools consolidating and reconfiguring by grade level,
staff and student reassignments prior to the 2011-12 school year) as should students, parents,
grandparents, and community members. What
an exciting time!
Attached you will find an individual report
that explains your child’s performance on NeSA-R , NeSA-M, and grades 5,8 and 11 NeSA-S. Student’s scores are classified in three
levels: Exceeds Standards, Meets
Standards, and Below Standards. The
report also provides a breakdown of individual student performance in the areas
of vocabulary and reading comprehension with comparison of individual student
scores to both district and state average.
The math performance area is also broken down into numeration, data,
algebra, and geometry. The science
performance area is divided into inquiry, physical, life, earth, and space
A variety of factors influence student scores
and no single test is ever an adequate measure of student progress. This information does, however, help us
identify areas of academic strength, as well as areas that may require
additional attention in the curriculum.
The Chadron staff is committed to assuring high levels of learning for
all students and will use NeSA results in combination with other information to
continuously improve our instruction.
Scores may change from year to year for a
variety of reasons. Students who work
hard in school, attend regularly and read during free time typically show
overall improvement as they progress through the years. It is also important to remember these tests
do not measure many essential life skills.
The tests do not measure traits such as work ethic, verbal communication
skills, positive attitude or social skills.
Please contact us if you have any specific questions or concerns.
Thank you for choosing Chadron Public Schools
and be sure to congratulate your son or daughter on their efforts!