At the last Board of Education meeting, the school board granted permission for Chadron Middle School to move forward with its plan to move the playground from its current location on the east side of the building to the west side of the building. The decision to move the playground was born out of the conversations that took place in a series of meetings that Dr. Winchester, Superintendent of Chadron Public Schools, dubbed "The Dream Team". The team was challenged to dream about what they would like the future of Chadron Public Schools to be and focused primarily on building and grounds improvements. As the team worked out their ideas, it became evident that the movement of the CMS playground did not have to wait, and it could be done as soon as enough funds were raised.
There are many advantages to moving the playground to the west side of the building. Some of these advantages include: larger play area, grass and trees, and a better use of existing space (East side will become parking). However, the biggest advantage is that middle school students will be separated from the heavy traffic that flows next to the current playground area. In addition, a new student entrance, which would be located next to the new playground on the west side of the building, would also create a more secure building.
We are very excited to begin fundraising and grant writing for this project and with a little luck we hope to see this project come to fruition this summer. However, we have a big job in front of us. The estimated cost for the first phase of the project is $37,000, which includes a key card swipe at the new student entrance, a fence around the new playground, and all of the asphalt. Additional phases to the project will include a sprinkler system and a covered seating area for students. We look forward to working with the community on fundraising for the project and we know that the new location of the playground will be a great benefit our students.
Photo of Current CMS Playground |
Future CMS Playground |