Friday, December 19, 2014
Chadron State Ho HO Hoops Basketball Clinic
Chadron State College Basketball will host the Ho Ho Hoops Basketball Clinic for boys and girls in 3rd-8th grade on Monday, December 22nd and Tuesday, December 23rd. Registration forms can be picked up at the CMS office or by by clicking the the link below.
Ho Ho Hoops Clinic Registration Form
Thursday, December 18, 2014
5th Grade Christmas Book Exchange
Just a reminder that December 19th is the last day of the semester and we have a 1:30 dismissal. Students will be in the gym from 12:30-1:30 for end of quarter awards and games. Parents are welcomed to attend.
Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 15, 2014
CMS Food Drive Results
The totals from the Canned Food Drive are in! The winners were the 6th graders with 1,229 items brought in! Way to go!!! 2nd place goes to the 5th graders with 900 items; in 3rd place came the 8th graders with 665 items, and 4th place was the 7th graders with 223 items. Together, we brought in 3,017 items to donate to our local food pantries. Great job, Cardinals! Thank you for your support!
We will celebrate another successful food drive and the end of the semester on December 19th from 12:30-1:30 in the CMS Gym. The CMS Student Council has some fun activities planned and parents are welcomed to come and enjoy the fun!
Monday, December 8, 2014
Instrumental and Vocal Winter Music Concert
The 6th-12th grade instrumental and vocal winter music concert will be held on December 18th in the Chadron High School Auditorium. The Instrumental concert will begin at 6 PM and it will be followed by the vocal music concert at 7:30. The students have been working hard to prepare the music for the concert and we are looking forward to hearing them perform!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
What's Happening at CMS (November 26th-December 19th)
The end of the semester is rapidly approaching and there are many activities and events at CMS as we bring 2014 to a close. Happy Holidays!
November 26-30 - No School (Thanksgiving Break)
December 2nd - 7th and 8th grade GBB at Hot Springs - 7th at 4:00 and 8th at 6
December 5th - 1:30 Dismissal
December 5th - Wrestling @ Torrington - 11:00 AM
December 8th - Wrestling @ Mitchell - 1 PM
December 9th - 7th grade GBB vs. Gering - 4:00
December 9th - 8th grade GBB @ Gering - 4:00
December 10th - Fine Arts Committee meeting - 5:30 in Central Office Conference Room
December 11th - 7th grade GBB vs. Alliance - 4:00
December 11th - 8th grade GBB @ Alliance - 4:00
December 13th - Wrestling @ Bluffs Invite (Make up meet for canceled CMS invite)
December 18th - 6th-12th grade Band Concert - 6:00 in CHS Auditorium
December 18th - 6th-12th grade Choir Concert - 7:30 in CHS Auditorium
December 19th - Last Day of 1st Semester - 1:30 Dismissal
Thursday, November 20, 2014
CMS Student Wins NRD Poster Contest!
Chadron Middle School and the Upper Niobrara White National Resources District would like to congratulate Riley Ambrose for winning the 2014 NRD Poster Contest. The theme this year was, "Dig Deeper - Mysteries in the Soil." Riley won the 4th-6th grade division and his art work will go on to Lincoln for consideration for the state award. Congratulations, Riley and good luck at state!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Riley for winning the state NRD poster competition! Riley's poster will now move on to the national competition!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Riley for winning the state NRD poster competition! Riley's poster will now move on to the national competition!
Riley proudly shows off his awesome poster |
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Sherri Daniels from the NRD presents Riley with his 1st place prize! |
Mr. Dressel poses with the champion |
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
2014 Veteran's Day Program
On November 11th, CMS celebrated Veteran's Day with the community at the 6th Annual Veteran's Day Program in the CHS auditorium. The program was put together by a section of Mrs. Kaus' 8th grade American History students. The program included the presentation of colors by the Chadron Color Guard, patriotic music from students, an explanation of the history of Veteran's Day, a reading from President Obama's Veteran's Day address, a keynote address from Mr. Don Huls, and a firing tribute at the end of program.
Thank you to Mr. Huls, the Chadron Color Guard, Mr. Rischling and he CHS band, Dr. Margetts, and all of the students that helped put together this wonderful program. But, most of all, thank you to our Veterans for their service!
Click here to view highlights of the program.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
What's Happening at CMS (10/27-11/16)
10/27/14 - Wrestling practice begins
10/29/14 - Girls' Basketball practice begins
10/31/14 - Spirit Day (Wear Red and Black) - No Costumes Allowed at School
11/6/14 - Wrestling @ Gordon/Rushville - 1 PM
11/8/14 - Wrestling @ Valentine - 10 AM Central Time Zone
11/7/14 - 1:30 Dismissal
11/7/14 - 7th/8th Grade Dance - 6:30-8:30 PM CMS Gym
11/13/14 - 7th Girls' BB @ Alliance - 4 PM
11/13/14 - 8th Girls' BB vs. Alliance - 4 PM
11/14/14 - End of Mid-2nd Quarter
11/15/14 - Wrestling (Chadron Tournament) - 9 AM
Monday, October 20, 2014
CMS Winter Sports Schedule
- 7th Grade Wrestling Meeting is on 10/20 after school in the library
- 8th Grade Wrestling Meeting is on 10/21 after school in the library
- 7th and 8th Grade Girls' Basketball meeting is on 10/27 after school 8th grade in the library and 7th grade in Ms. Cattnach's room.
Friday, October 17, 2014
CMS Scholastics Opens Season at Kimball
On October 17th, Chadron Middle School's 7th and 8th grade Scholastics Teams competed in the first quiz bowl of the season at Kimball. The 7th grade team opened the season with a 1st place finish and the 8th grade team finished in 5th place. Congratulations to both teams!
8th Grade Scholastics Team |
7th Grade Scholastics Team |
Lights on After School (October 23rd)
Lights on After School at CMS is scheduled for October 23rd. Students will begin at the regular start time of the after-school program (3:18) and Parents/Families are welcomed to join the festivities at 4:00.
Please note that students cannot wear their costumes to school.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Red Ribbon Week (October 20th-October 23rd)
Chadron Middle School will celebrate Red Ribbon Week during the week of October 20th. The dress up themes that were selected by the CMS Student Council are:
MONDAY 10/20 - PJ DAY - "Put Drugs to Bed"
TUESDAY 10/21 - Western Day - "Drive Drugs Out of Town"
WEDNESDAY10/22 - Twin Day - "Double Up Against Drugs"
THURSDAY 10/23 - Spirit Day - "Get "Red" of Drugs"
Students are invited to dress up according to the theme on each of these days.
Friday, October 10, 2014
1st Quarter Awards
On October 10th, Chadron Middle School students, faculty, and staff celebrated the end of an excellent 1st quarter at our End of the Quarter Awards Assembly. 7th and 8th grade students were recognized for leveling up in their Awesome Birds game, in which students earn badges for being on time to class and coming to class prepared. 5th-8th grade students that participated in the Great Effort Games on Monday and Wednesday were recognized for their outstanding effort over the course of the 1st quarter. Students were also awarded with Perfect Attendance and Cardinal Effort Awards.
At the end of the assembly, Rob Walstrom, from Walstrom Ford, presented the Chadron Middle School Playground Project with a check for $3,480 from the Drive One 4UR School event that was held in August. This is in addition to the $342 that was raised from concessions on that day!
Thank you to all of the students, faculty, staff, and parents for an excellent 1st quarter!
At the end of the assembly, Rob Walstrom, from Walstrom Ford, presented the Chadron Middle School Playground Project with a check for $3,480 from the Drive One 4UR School event that was held in August. This is in addition to the $342 that was raised from concessions on that day!
Thank you to all of the students, faculty, staff, and parents for an excellent 1st quarter!
5th grade Perfect Attendance Awards |
5th grade Cardinal Effort Awards |
6th grade Perfect Attendance Awards |
6th grade Cardinal Effort Awards |
7th grade Perfect Attendance Awards |
7th grade Cardinal Effort Awards |
8th grade Perfect Attendance Awards |
8th grade Cardinal Effort Awards |
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
What's Happening at CMS (10/6-10/18)
10/6/14 - 7th Grade VB @ Alliance - 4 PM
10/6/14 - 8th Grade VB vs. Alliance - 4 PM
10/7/14 - 7th grade FB @ Alliance - 4 PM
10/7/14 - 8th Grade FB vs. Alliance - 4 PM
10/8/14 - Fine Arts Meeting @ Central Office Board Room - 5:30 PM
10/9/14 - Cross Country @ Sidney - 3 PM
10/10/14 - 1:30 Dismissal
10/10/14 - End of 1st Quarter
10/11/14 - 7th Grade FB @ Hot Springs - 9 AM
10/11/14 - 8th Grade FB @ Hot Spring - 10:30 AM
10/13/14 - Board of Eduction Meeting @ Central Office Board Room - 5:30 PM
10/16/14 - Report Cards Sent Home with Students
10/17/14 - Picture Retakes
10/18/14 - 7th Grade FB @ Gordon/Rushville - 9 AM
10/18/14 - 8th Grade FB @ Gordon/Rushville - 10:30 AM
Thursday, October 2, 2014
CMS MAPS Testing Begins on October 7th
NWEA (MAPS) Testing will begin on October 7th and continue until completed on or near October 31st. It is our goal that 100% of our students complete the four assessments in Reading, Language, Science and Math. Chadron Public Schools give this assessment twice a year (Fall and Spring).
Fall 2014 Testing Schedule-click here to see when your student will test!
NWEA assessments are used to measure your student’s progress or growth in school. You may have a chart in your home on which you mark your child’s height at certain times, such as on his or her birthday. This is a growth chart. It shows how much he or she has grown from one year to the next. NWEA assessments do the same sort of thing, except they measure your student’s growth in mathematics, reading, science and language usage. The scale used to measure your child’s progress is called the RIT scale. The RIT scale is used to chart your student’s academic growth from year to year.
Fall 2014 Testing Schedule-click here to see when your student will test!
NWEA assessments are used to measure your student’s progress or growth in school. You may have a chart in your home on which you mark your child’s height at certain times, such as on his or her birthday. This is a growth chart. It shows how much he or she has grown from one year to the next. NWEA assessments do the same sort of thing, except they measure your student’s growth in mathematics, reading, science and language usage. The scale used to measure your child’s progress is called the RIT scale. The RIT scale is used to chart your student’s academic growth from year to year.
What is the MAP NWEA Assessment?
MAP— NWEA’s computerized adaptive tests are called Measure of Academic Progress, or MAP. When taking a MAP test, the difficulty of each question is based on how well a student answers all the previous questions. As the student answers correctly, questions become more difficult. If the student answers incorrectly, the questions become easier. In an optimal test, a student answers approximately half the items correctly and half incorrectly. The final score is an estimate of the student’s achievement level.Friday, September 26, 2014
8th Grade Field Trip to Crow Butte Uranium Mine and Ponderosa Wildlife Management Center
On October 17th, CMS 8th graders visited the Crow Butte Uranium Mine and the Ponderosa Wildlife Management Center.
CMS Students Start Clay Projects in Art
Chadron Middle School students began working with clay this week in their Art classes. Students will learn the intricacies of pinched, coiled and slab rolled projects.
Monday, September 22, 2014
What's Happening at CMS (September 22nd-October 4th)
9/23 - Cross Country @ Scottsbluff - TBA
9/25 - Cross Country @ Gordon/Rushville - 4 PM
9/26 - 1:30 Dismissal (CMS will have Friday School for students missing work from 1:30-3:20)
10/1 - No School - Teacher In-Service
10/2 - 7th & 8th Grade VB @ Gordon/Rushville - 4:30 PM (7th) 6 PM (8th)
10/3 - 5th & 6th Grade Students attend play at Memorial Hall - 1 PM
10/4 - Cross Country @ Sidney (Western Conference) - 9 AM
10/4 - 7th & 8th GradeVolleyball @ Torrington - 9 AM
Monday, September 8, 2014
What's Happening at CMS (Weeks of Sept. 9th - Sept. 19th)
9/9 - 7th grade VB @ Alliance St. Agnes - 4 PM
9/9 - 8th grade VB @ Alliance St.Agnes - 5:30 PM
9/11 - 7th grade VB vs. Crawford - 4 PM CMS Gym
9/12 - End of 1st Mid-Quarter
9/13 - 7th grade VB @ Gering Invite - 8 AM
9/13 - 8th grade VB @ Gering Invite - 8 AM
9/13 - Cross Country @ Chadron Invite - 10 AM
9/13 - 7th grade FB @ Hot Spring Jamboree - 9 AM
9/13 - 8th grade FB @ Hot Spring Jamboree - 9 AM
9/18 - 1:30 Dismissal (CMS ONLY)
9/18 - CMS Parent-Teacher Conferences - 2:00-8:00 CMS Gym
9/19 - 5th Grade Fun Night - 6:00-8:00 PM in CMS Gym
9/20 - 7th grade VB @ Alliance Invite - 8:30 AM
9/20 - 8th grade VB @ Alliance Invite - 8:30 AM
9/20 - Cross Country @Alliance Invite - 9:00 AM
9/20 - 7th grade FB vs. Torrington - 10 AM CHS Football Field
9/20 - 8th grade FB @ Torrington - 10 AM
Friday, August 29, 2014
CMS Picture Day on September 3rd
Students will be sent home with packets
on Friday, August 29th.
Additional picture packets can be picked up
at the CMS Office.
Monday, August 25, 2014
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