Friday, August 29, 2014

CMS Picture Day on September 3rd


Students will be sent home with packets
on Friday, August 29th.

Additional picture packets can be picked up
at the CMS Office.

Friday, August 22, 2014

What's Happening at CMS (August 25th-September 5)

Below is a list of events and activities that are going on at CMS during the weeks of August 25th-September 5th.

August 25th - 1st Day of MS Football Practice

August 29th - 1:30 Dismissal

September 1st - LABOR DAY - NO SCHOOL

September 3rd - SCHOOL PICTURE DAY!  Packets will be sent home with kids.

September 4th - Veteran's Honor Flight to D.C. - 6th Grade Choir Performance 9 AM at American Legion 

September 4th - 7th Grade Volleyball vs. Hot Springs - 4:15 at the CMS Gym

September 4th - 8th Grade Volleyball vs. Hot Springs - 4:15 at the CMS Gym

Thursday, August 21, 2014

CMS Drive One 4UR School - This Saturday!

On Saturday, August 23rd, Walstrom Ford will host a Drive One 4UR School in support of the CMS Playground Project.  For every car that is driven (one test drive per household), Ford will donate $20.00 towards our project! Walstrom Ford will be set up in the CHS parking lot between 8:30 and 4:00.

Walstrom Ford has also donated hotdogs, chips, and soda that will be sold as a meal for $2.00 from 11:00-2:00.  So, come on out to take a test drive, enjoy some lunch, and support a great cause!

Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Cookout for a Cause Raises $700 for CMS Playground Project

On Saturday, August 16th, Shane Shepherd of SDS Construction and Dr. Travis Lambert of Main Street Dental participated in Helen's annual Cookout for a Cause.  Their smoked baby back ribs and jalapeño poppers earned them a second place finish and $700.00, which they donated to the CMS Playground Project.

CMS would like to give these guys a big high-five in gratitude for their support of the project, which will benefit the kids of Chadron for years to come.  We would also like to thank the community of Chadron for supporting all of the fundraising that we have done over the last several months!

The next big playground fundraiser is planned for this Saturday, August 23rd, when Walstrom Ford will host Drive One 4UR School from 8-4 in the CHS parking lot.  Please come out and test drive a new Ford to support the playground project.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

CMS First Day Of School Schedule

Chadron Middle School
First Day of School Schedule

Students report to MS Gym
All-School Assembly

Grade-Level Meetings
8:30 – 9:20
Students will get schedules at the end of their grade-level meetings

Bell Schedule
Class Rotation:
09:25 – 9:50 Period 1
9:53 – 10:18 Period 2
10:21 – 10:46 Period 3
10:49 – 11:14 Period 4
11:17 – 11:42 Period 5 (7/8 Lunch)
11:45 – 12:10 Period 6 (5/6 Lunch)
12:13 – 12:37        Period 7
12:40 – 01:04 Period 8
01:07– 01:30 Period 9

**Students will receive packets with forms that parents need to sign and return at the end of 9th period. Please get these forms back to the CMS office ASAP.

Friday, August 8, 2014

What's Happening at CMS (August 11 - August 25th)

Below is a list of events and activities that are going on a CMS during the weeks of August 11th-August 25).

August 11th - 7th and 8th grade parent/student orientation - 5:30 in CMS Gym

August 12th - 5th grade parent/student orientation - 5:30 in CMS Gym

August 13th - 6th grade parent/student orientation - 5:30 in CMS Gym

August 14th - WELCOME BACK!  First day of school - 1:30 dismissal

August 15th - 1:30 Dismissal

August 16th - Cookout for a Cause - Helen's Parking Lot - CMS Playground Fundraiser

August 19th - 1st day of CMS After School Program

August 19th - CMS Open House - 6:00-7:30 PM

August 23rd - Drive One 4 UR School - CHS Parking Lot - CMS Playground Fundraiser

*CMS After-School Program runs Monday - Thursday from 3:18-5:30 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Sign Up For CMS Text Reminders

Parents and students who wish to receive text message reminders about school activities, school
schedule changes, special program times, etc. from me (Mr. Dressel), please sign up for my Remind 101 using these simple steps:

1. Send a text to the number (925) 304-6118
2. Type the message: @cmsprinc
3. Remind 101 will send you a text back asking you to enter your name - this allows me to see who has signed up.

***If you have already signed up to receive Remind 101 messages from me, you do not have to sign up again.