Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Monday, December 7, 2020
PPHD Safety Precautions for Winter Sports & Activities
November 30, 2020 For immediate release
For more information, contact: Kim Engel, Director, 308-760-2415,
Winter sports practices and activities have been happening for the past few weeks. As games and competitions are nearing, the Nebraska School Activities Association and the Governor’s Directed Health Measure outline the following requirements for student, staff, and attendee safety:
Participant households are only being allowed entry, they must sit as a household group at least six foot from other household groups. Attendees must also be on the school list to gain entry. Each school may have a specific limit.
Masks are required, if anyone fails to comply they will be expected to leave.
There may be specific guidance from the host school, it is important that participants and attendees abide by that guidance.
Please respect the host school’s capacity requirements.
If anyone is experiencing any symptoms of illness, please do not attend.
Youth sports and activities are being encouraged to implement precautions as well. It’s important to remember, these safety precautions are critical for the continuity of winter sports and activities.
Unified Command confirms 153 more cases of COVID in the Panhandle since last reporting on Friday, November 27. Recoveries are available on the Panhandle dashboard at The investigations are underway, all close contacts will be quarantined.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Monday, November 9, 2020
CMS Winter Sports Health Guidelines
Below are the Chadron Middle School Health Guidelines for winter sports. We are grateful to have the opportunity to host athletic events for our students. Please take special note of guideline numbers 3, 4, and 5. Thank you for your support in following the guidelines as we strive to keep our schools and community safe.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
COVID Restrictions - Scottsbluff MS Wrestling Invite - November 7, 2020
CMS Wrestling Fans and Families,
COVID restrictions for the middle school wrestling invite in Scottsbluff on Saturday, November 7th are listed below. The meet will begin at 9 AM. Thank you for continued patience and understanding and schools work to keep our students, staff and communities safe.
Fans can access the tournament brackets and live stream here:
Friday, October 30, 2020
No Spectators at Gordon-Rushville MS Wrestling Invite - Meet will Be Live Streamed
CMS wrestling families and fans,
Due to capacity restrictions, no spectators will be allowed at the November 5th, 2020 Gordon-Rushville MS Wrestling Invite. The meet begins at 1:00 and will be live streamed for families and fans to enjoy at home. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding as schools work to keep our students, staff and communities safe.
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Student Health Screening & CAPWN Dental Screenings
Below is information regarding student health screenings for the 2020-21 school year. Please note that all 6th and 7th grade students will be screened for hearing, dental, vision, height and weight as required by the state of Nebraska. Students in other grades will receive CAPWN Dental screening ONLY IF permission slips were returned. Please contact the Chadron Middle School office at 432-0708 if you have any questions.
Monday, September 28, 2020
Friday, September 25, 2020
The Quarantine Rules - The Latest State Directed Health Measure
But, we'll say it again...
No matter your opinion on masks, health, science, politics, etc. ...wearing a face mask will prevent larger numbers of quarantines so we can keep students (and staff) in school and participating in activities. Thank you for your support!
September 23, 2020 - Directed Health Measure

Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Chadron Middle School Book Fair Information
Book Fair dates: Sept. 14, 2020 – Sept. 18, 2020
Shopping hours: Arranged with classroom teachers
Introducing Book Fair eWallet! Let your child shop the Fair cash-free with our NEW digital payment option. Learn more on our Book Fair homepage and get started creating an account:
We invite you to visit our Online Fair at Our Online Fair is available from September 8 to September 15.
Friday, September 11, 2020
Thermometer Distribution Program
September 9, 2020
To: Students, Parents, & Guardians
Re: Thermometers
Greetings Chadron Public Schools Parents, Patrons, and Students:
It is my pleasure to welcome you to Chadron Public Schools. Set apart for excellence, our students enjoy dynamic relationships and rigorous curriculum equipping them for the future and challenging them to be lifelong leaders. We believe that every student can learn and will grow when expectations are high and clear.
As you are aware and have felt yourself we face many new challenges this year. It is our aim to partner with you to make sure that our students are receiving a high quality education. We are lucky to be part of one of the best school districts anywhere. The Covid Pandemic has changed our normal operating procedures. Thank you for honoring our plans and procedures. In order to manage these challenges we will continue to evaluate our procedures to make sure our students are safe. We know it will not be perfect, but our goal is to keep in-person instruction happening.
Chadron Public Schools was fortunate to be on the receiving end of a grant that used Keno money to provide our students with thermometers for free. We are appreciative of this gift given to our school. Please use the thermometers to self-screen each morning.
Ginger L. Meyer, Superintendent
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Do You Know the Standard Response Protocols?
Here are brief examples when each would be used in a school or activity setting:
"HOLD" - Keep students in classroom. Ex. A student has a seizure and medical staff need to enter the building without interruptions or distractions in the halls.
"SECURE" - No one enters or leaves the building because of a threat outside the building. Ex. Police are looking for a suspected criminal in the area near the school.
"LOCKDOWN" - Avoid, Deny, Defend. Ex. A threat is inside the building.
"EVACUATE" - Exit the building quickly and safely. Ex. A fire drill or actual fire in the building.
"SHELTER" - Take shelter in a safe area. Ex. Tornado drill or actual tornado warning in announced.

Monday, August 31, 2020
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Cardinal Football Health Guidelines
Admission: HS Adults $ 5.00 Students/Seniors $ 4.00
MS Adults $ 4.00 Students/Seniors $ 3.00
1. Any individual feeling ill or experiencing Covid 19 symptoms should not attend any contest.
2. We ask that Visiting teams use their protocols for transporting to the contest.
3. Hand sanitizer stations will be provided on all entrances to contests
4. Recommended 6 feet distancing between groups.
5. Mask or face coverings are strongly encouraged by spectators.
6. Appropriate social distancing is encouraged on benches, sidelines and at the concessions area.
7. Concessions will be provided. Workers will wear masks.
8. Spectators are encouraged to pay with exact change.
9. Spectators and contestants are encouraged to exit the contest facility immediately following the completion of the event.
10. Chadron High School will follow all NSAA Covid 19 rules and modifications.
11. All guidance from Chadron Public Schools, Directive Health Measures, Panhandle Public Health Guidelines and are subject to change at any time.
12. The safety of all persons in attendance and sportsmanship at our contests are a top priority. Thank you for doing your part in keeping our community and school safe.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Saturday, August 15, 2020
(Update) Notice from CPS Superintendent
However, we do have other teachers that have to quarantine because they live in the same home or went to a social event with a positive case. The Admin. Team will meet tomorrow to iron out our personnel plan going forward.
Our CoVid dashboard will be ready next week. It will take the place of these announcements.
Notice from CPS Superintendent
As we know CoVid is in our community. We will be developing a communication for families called the Communications Dashboard. It will be located in CoVid button on the school website It will identify cases active and recovered that have implications for CPS. This Dashboard will serve as our press release going forward.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Monday, August 10, 2020
CMS Standard Operating Procedures
Below is a link to the CMS Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for the 2020-21 school year as well as a video where Mr. Dressel goes through the document. Please contact Mr. Dressel at 432-0708 if you have any questions.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Chadron Public Schools 2020-21 Activity Prices and Fees
Activity Prices:
Varsity Admission: Adult $5.00
Junior Varsity Student $4.00
Freshman Senior Citizen $4.00
Middle School Admission:
Adult $4.00
Student $3.00
Senior Citizen $3.00
(excludes tournaments)
Activity Passes:
High School $30.00
Middle School $30.00
Elementary $15.00
Adult $50.00
Senior Citizen $25.00
Participation Fees:
High School $60.00
Middle School $50.00
Family (students) $120.00
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
CPS At-Home Learning Program - FAQs
With the new CPS At-Home Learning Program, we want to provide an opportunity to address some frequently asked questions (FAQs).
1) How do I register my student for the CPS At-Home Learning Program?
Go to and click on the CPS At-Home Learning tab.

Scroll to the bottom of the first page and click on the link to complete the information to register

2) What if our family is new to the district?
The family is first required to enroll their students in the district through the district registrar located at the Chadron High School Office (432-0707). Then, if interested in participating in the CPS At-Home Learning Program, the simple registration process listed above would need to be completed as well.
3) Can my student still participate in after school activities, athletics or any other activity?
No. Students enrolled in the CPS At-Home Learning Program will not be eligible to participate in any activity, club or after-school programs.
4) What if my student has an IEP?
Students who qualify for special education services can enroll in the CPS At-Home Learning Program. Individual Education Plans may need to be adjusted to accommodate for the online learning at home. All IEP meetings will be conducted virtually as normally scheduled.
5) What if the school goes to 'Red', and teaches with remote learning like last spring. Will the school use the Acellus online software just like the CPS At-Home Learning Program?
No. Students enrolled to attend in the school would be taught by their same teachers and curriculum only in a remote setting if we go to a 'Yellow' or 'Red' status. Zoom and Google Classroom will predominantly be used to provide instruction.
6) What classes would my student take?
CMS students who enroll on Acellus will take grade level equivalent courses in math, reading/ELA, science and social studies. Visit to view a complete list of class offerings.
7) Could we wait until later in the semester to decide? Or try it then switch back to attending in the school building if we don't like it?
Unfortunately, no. The deadline to register for the At-Home Learning Program is August 21st. If a student begins school in the building on Aug. 17th, they have until Aug. 21 to decide whether to transfer to the At-Home Learning Program. Additionally, any student that is enrolled in the At-Home Learning Program will not be able to switch enrollment until the end of a semester. This allows for the continuity of instruction for both the students attending in person as well as at home.
8) Is tutoring available?
Parents who enroll their student in the At-Home Learning Program are assuming the responsibility for student learning. The Acellus learning software is designed to provide guided instruction with virtual teachers therefore, the school district will not provide additional tutoring.
9) What if we don't have internet or a device?
The CPS At-Home Learning Program is not a viable educational option unless the family can ensure internet access with a personal device (computer, chromebook, smartphone, etc.). The school district will not be able to provide a device or internet access for this option to learn at home.
Yes, we think... We're currently working on plans for a meal pickup during the week. This WILL NOT be the free program provided last spring, students will be charged accordingly either: full pay, reduced pay or free according to the Free/Reduced application guidelines.
Yes. The student can still attend school events as a spectator, just not as a participant.
12) Is there any additional cost for my student to use the Acellus software for the At-Home Learning Program?
No. The school district has purchased the software licensing for our students to use Acellus for the At-Home Program. There will be no cost to the families.
No. As long as we have your enrollment information on Infinite Campus, we'll contact the parents/guardians to verify the request. We have some district staff set to be trained on Acellus on August 14th and we anticipate that it could take us another week to get your student enrolled in Acellus classes. We'll email the login directions once we completed each student's schedule.
We appreciate your patience as we proceed in this new endeavor. We anticipate the At-Home Learning Program to be fully available to requested students on/near August 24th. Feel free to call the middle school office if you have any other questions.
Monday, August 3, 2020
CPS At Home Learning Program
Friday, July 31, 2020
First day of School Moved to Monday, August 17th
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
5th Grade and New Student Tours & Other Back-To-School Information
Aug. 10-12 will be unavailable during the day due to staff trainings throughout the district.
Please find additional and important back-to-school information below. More information regarding virtual parent meetings will come out later this week.
- Sign up for remind to receive text messages from the school. To sign up, text the message @chadronms to the number 81010 to sign up. It is also recommend that you download the remind app on your phone or device.
- Student schedules can be viewed on the Infinite Campus Parent and Student Portals. Schedules will be mailed early next week. It is important that students DO NOT lose these schedules because we will not have our usual back-to-school assembly on the first day of school. More information about the first day of school will be covered during the virtual parent meetings.
- School supply lists were posted to Facebook and Twitter on Tuesday, July 28th. The list is also below. Please note that students will not be issued school lockers. Instead, students will be allowed to carry their backpacks from class to class. This strategy will enable the school to stagger passing periods and limit congestion in the hallways. If your student needs a backpack, please contact the CMS office and we will provide one.
Monday, June 1, 2020
Thursday, May 28, 2020
ONLINE Fine Arts Summer Classes Opportunity
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
CPS Food Service - Summer Schedule
Friday, May 15, 2020
May 18, 2020 - Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Welcome to 5th Grade Video
Monday, May 11, 2020
Parent Survey - Continuation of lunch services through June
Friday, May 1, 2020
May 1st, 2020 Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition)
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Friday, April 24, 2020
April 24th Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition)
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Today (4/22) is Earth Day’s 50th anniversary!
Friday, April 17, 2020
April 17th, 2020 Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition)
Thursday, April 9, 2020
April 9, 2020 - Cardinal Cast (Middle School Edition)
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Girls Summer Softball Registrations

Friday, April 3, 2020
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Google Classroom Resource for Parents
Mrs. Smith created a series of slides that you can access to learn more about Google Classroom. These slides may be especially helpful if your child is having a hard time logging on and you want to help them. Please follow the link to access the slides.
Google Classroom for Parents
Friday, March 27, 2020
Monday, March 23, 2020
60-days of Free Internet from Great Plains Communication (See attached Flier for Details)
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Nebraska Panhandle Schools will Remain Closed Through May 1st
* The schedule for students to access the school to gather items from their lockers will remain unchanged.
*Food Service will begin on Monday, March 23rd from 11:00AM-12:30 PM. Food pick up sites are at CMS and CIS.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Congratulations to our CPS NHD State Qualifiers
Senior Group Websites:
1st Susan LaFlesche Picotte—Lauren Collins, Grace Sorenson
2nd Smallpox Vaccine---Gracie Jones, Alexis Conboy, Jameson Margetts
Junior Individual Websites
1st Rosetta Stone, Breaking the Barrier—Eliu Paopao
3rd John L. Sullivan---Uzziah Schwartz
Senior Individual Website
1st Kuklinski Breaks the Iron Curtain---Thomas Kaus
Junior Individual Exhibit
3rd Florence Nightingale---Jaelyn Brown
Junior Paper
1st Alexander Hamilton---Lucy Rischling
Senior Paper
1st Jacqueline Cochran---Maralee Rischling
Junior Documentary
3rd American Woman Pilots of WWII---Talon Jelinek, Myles Nesheim, Thomas Smith
Senior Group Documentary
1st Cassidy Nesheim, Jackson Smith
Senior Individual Documentary
1st Tyler Kaus
Special Awards
Great Plains Award-- Lauren Collins, Grace Sorenson
Military Award--Talon Jelinek, Myles Nesheim, Thomas Smith
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Food Service Survey
Student Materials Pick Up
Friday - 7th grade
Monday - 6th grade
Tuesday - 5th grade
Students will be escorted individually (6' or more distances) to their locker and back so we can wipe down any touched surfaces.
Please contact the CMS office with questions (432-0708). Thank you for your support and patience in these unconventional times!
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Home Technology Survey
Below is a link to the the home survey to assess options to provide digital resources to students. Please complete this survey before noon on Wednesday, March 18th. Thank you.
Sunday, March 15, 2020
From Dr. Winchester - School closed for next two weeks
We ask that students and community members immediately begin engaging in social distancing. There will be no practices or school activities during the 14 day period. Unified Command and Regional West have asked that anyone who has traveled to areas with community transmission of COVID-19 to self-monitor and self-quarantine. At this time there are still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Panhandle. Additional information will be forthcoming.
3/15 Notice
Panhandle Public Health District. If your child is sick or will be absent, please contact your child’s school
and keep them home.
Our goals are:
(1) Keep students & staff as healthy (physically, emotionally, and mentally) as possible so we can remain
open as long as possible.
(2) Keep our health care system healthy-thus we need to do what we can to reduce the spread.
Friday, March 13, 2020
From Dr. Winchester, Superintendent of Chadron Public Schools
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2020
3/9 - Coronavirus Update from CPS Superintendent, Dr. Caroline Winchester
Dr. Matt Blomstedt, Commissioner of Education, held a Zoom meeting with Superintendents on Sunday. A community case of coronavirus was confirmed in Fremont. Fremont schools will be closed this week in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. The Fremont case is unique in that there was a specific event where a number of Fremont students were potentially exposed and the school district was three days away from spring break. It was also shared that there have been no fatalities for anyone under the age of 10, and only one between the ages of 10-20. This includes China.
The Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) created a website with Coronavirus resources The emphasis continues on Prevention and Preparation.
Dannette Smith, CEO of DHHS, shared if people are sick, they need to stay home. The DHHS website is
The emphasis continues on Prevention and Preparation. CPS teachers and administrators are working on strategies for continuing instruction in the event of a prolonged school closure. NDE is encouraging innovative solutions to maintain a sense of normalcy for students and families. If prolonged school closures become necessary, NDE will work with schools concerning rule and regulatory issues.
CPS policies are continuing to be evaluated and revised if needed. Custodial staff continue to follow recommended procedures from the CDC.
Panhandle Public Health (PPH) continues to provide school districts with updates, information, and resources ( School closure decisions will be handled regionally and will come from PPH.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need more information.
Dr. Caroline B. Winchester
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Superintendent Letter on Contagious Illness - Prevention and Preparation
Dear Parents, Students, and Patrons:
We want to update you on Chadron Public Schools district plan regarding COVID-19 (commonly referred to as the coronavirus). Current Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance is emphasizing prevention and preparation. As with any contagious illness, we are working closely with Panhandle Public Health District ( and will follow all guidelines they share with us. The district is monitoring the developing information related to the spread of COVID-19. To date, the district is unaware of any native cases of COVID-19 being confirmed in our state. In preparation, the district is reviewing its relevant policies and procedures so we will be prepared to respond to any outbreak of communicable disease that may occur. We added a Pandemic Plan to the District Safety plan. Should this situation interfere with the district’s ordinary operations or schedule, you will be provided notice in the customary fashion.
Since this is the height of cold and flu season, Parents/Guardians, please make sure your emergency contact information is up to date.
This is a dynamic situation and information will likely change moving forward. We encourage you to remain informed about the spread of the coronavirus, and would recommend that you visit the CDC website ( further information as it develops. We would also encourage you to use this opportunity to remind your students of the importance of getting rest and washing hands, especially during cold and flu season.
As a best practice for overall health in cold and influenza season, the CDC recommends that individuals receive the influenza vaccination and engage in everyday, preventive measures to prevent the spread of germs and avoid illness, such as:
- Wash hand frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
- Avoid touching eyes, mouth, and nose with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick.
- Stay home when you are sick. The CDC recommends that individuals remain home for at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever without medication or signs of a fever (i.e. chills, feeling warm, flushed appearance).
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately discard the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Take any antiviral medications prescribed to you as instructed.
Thank you for your attention. Please feel free to contact me for further information and please pass this information along to others.
Dr. Caroline B. Winchester
Monday, March 2, 2020
Domino's Pizza Night Out a HUGE SUCCESS!
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Title VI Indian Education Committee Meeting on Monday, March 2nd at 3:30 at the CPS Central Office
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Girls on the Run is SO MUCH FUN!!!
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Positive Descriptive Feedback at CMS
In December, CMS introduced Positive Descriptive Feedback (PDF) to our faculty and staff. The idea behind PDF is that kids improve behavior through specific performance feedback that accurately describes the positive behavior that teachers, staff and administrators observe. Heather Gill, Chadron's PBiS coach, provided an in-service training to faculty and administration that explained the power of PDF and ways that we can begin to implement it in school. PDF is simple in concept, but it takes conscience effort to move away from nondescript praise like, "Good Job, that's correct" to descriptive feedback like, "I like the way that you explained your thought process to get the answer " and remembering that students who struggle are the students who need this kind of feedback most.
As we move into a new year and through the 2nd semester, it is my hope that everyone at CMS becomes comfortable with providing and receiving Positive Descriptive Feedback and that it has the intended outcome of helping to improve school climate, culture and student behavior.
Best Wishes,
Nick Dressel
Chadron Middle School Principal