Thursday, December 14, 2023

One Book, One School


Chadron Middle School


December 18th-20th (Monday-Wednesday) 8:00 a.m. -10:00 a.m.


5th-8th Students, Staff, and Chadron Community Members

What is One Book, One School?

The benefits of reading aloud are remarkable. Studies have shown that reading to children helps them to listen better and longer, to build bigger vocabularies, to understand concepts better, to feel positive about both books and learning – and much more.

When an entire school reads the same book, the buzz and excitement around the book augments these benefits. Reading a book together brings the added joy of building and expanding a sense of community among students, parents, teachers, and staff – and beyond. In some schools, bus drivers and custodial and cafeteria staff clamor to be included.

How does it work?

For three mornings, all students are hearing the same book.  Teachers and/or guest readers from the community are each reading the book to students.  As kids across grades gather together in classrooms, they will hear the entire book and participate in discussions or activities from each section.

When will we do this?  December 18-20th, 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.  

What resources do we have? Title:  Snow Treasure

Snow Treasure is a children's novel by Marie McSwigan. Set in Nazi-occupied Norway during World War II, it recounts the story of several Norwegian children who use sleds to smuggle their country's gold bullion past German guards to a waiting ship, the Cleng Peerson. Published in 1942, it has been in print ever since.

Possible Readers:  High School Seniors, Cardinals Committed, Community Members, All the school community - teachers, custodians, etc. 

We would love volunteers! Please contact Chadron Middle School if you’d like to read (30 minutes or more) any or all three days. (308)-432-0708. You may also email or

*YouTube recordings of each chapter of the book are available. Those recordings total about 4-5 hours.